If you’re an electric bike owner, you know that nothing is more frustrating than having your bike cut out on you in the middle of a ride. It’s not only annoying, but it can also be dangerous. When your bike cuts out, it’s usually for one of two reasons: either the battery is low or there is a problem with the motor. In this blog post, we will explore both of these reasons in detail and provide solutions so that you can get back to riding your electric bike worry-free.
Reasons Why Electric Bikes Cut Out
If your electric bike keeps cutting out, it’s likely due to one of the following reasons:
1. The battery is low: Make sure the battery is fully charged before each ride. If it’s still cutting out, try a different charger.
2. The motor is overheating: Check for any obstructions around the motor and make sure it has plenty of airflow. If the problem persists, try a different motor.
3. The controller is faulty: If your bike has been cutting out intermittently, it’s likely the controller is at fault. Try replacing it with a new one.
4. The wiring is damaged: Check all the wiring for signs of wear or damage. If anything looks suspect, replace it with new wiring.
5. There’s a loose connection: Inspect all connections and make sure they’re tight and secure. Loose connections can cause intermittent power issues that lead to cutting out.
If you’ve ruled out all of the above issues and your electric bike still keeps cutting out, take it to a qualified mechanic for further diagnosis and repairs.
Common Cutting out Motors Issues
One of the most common issues electric bike owners face is their motor cutting out unexpectedly. There are a few different reasons this may happen, and thankfully, there are also a few different solutions.
The first reason your motor may be cutting out is because of a loose connection. Check all the connections between your battery, controller, and motor to make sure they are tight. If they are loose, simply tighten them up and see if that solves the issue.
Another reason your motor may be cutting out is that it is overheating. This is usually caused by riding in extremely hot weather or after riding for extended periods of time without taking a break. If you think this might be the issue, try letting your bike cool down for a bit before continuing to ride.
Lastly, your motor may be cut out because the battery isn’t providing enough power. This can be caused by a number of things, including a weak battery, riding in very cold weather, or using too much power for too long (such as when climbing hills). If you suspect this is the issue, try charging your battery fully and/or swapping out for a new battery.
If you’re still having issues with your motor cutting out after trying these solutions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help figure out what’s going on.

Common Cutting out Battery Issues
If your electric bike keeps cutting out, there are a few possible reasons. The most common cause is a loose or damaged battery connection.
Check the connections on your battery and make sure they’re tight and free of corrosion. If that doesn’t solve the problem, it could be a problem with your bike’s charging system. Make sure the charging system is working properly and that the batteries are properly charged.
If you’re still having problems, it could be an issue with the motor itself. Check for any damage to the motor or its connections. If you can’t find the source of the problem, take your bike to a qualified electric bike mechanic for further diagnosis.
Common Cutting out Controller Issues
If your electric bike keeps cutting out, it’s likely due to one of these common controller issues:
1. Loose or damaged wires – Check all the wires leading to and from the controller for any damage or loose connections. If you find any, tighten the connections or replace the damaged wires.
2. Overheating – The controller can overheat if it’s working too hard or if there’s something blocking airflow around it. Let the controller cool down before continuing to use it, and make sure there’s nothing blocking its ventilation holes.
3. Wrong voltage – Make sure the battery you’re using is compatible with the controller and that you’re not exceeding the maximum voltage rating.
4. faulty components – If none of the above solutions fix the problem, there may be a faulty component inside the controller itself. You’ll need to open up the controller and check each component for signs of damage or wear. If you find a faulty component, you’ll need to replace it.
Common Cutting out Throttle issues
If you’re having issues with your electric bike regularly cutting out, it’s likely due to one of a few common issues. Here are some of the most common reasons for an electric bike throttle to stop working, as well as some solutions:
1. Dead battery: One of the most common reasons for an electric bike to cut out is because the battery is dead or close to dying. If your bike has been sitting for a while without being used, the battery may need to be recharged. Alternatively, if you’ve been using your bike a lot recently and it’s cutting out more frequently, the battery may simply need to be replaced.
2. Dirty or damaged throttle: Another common issue is a dirty or damaged throttle. If your throttle isn’t working properly, it can cause the electric bike to cut out. To clean a dirty throttle, simply wipe it down with a cloth. If the throttle is damaged, you’ll need to replace it.
3. Faulty wiring: Faulty wiring is another possible reason for an electric bike to keep cutting out. If you suspect this is the issue, it’s best to take your bike to a qualified mechanic or electrician for diagnosis and repairs.
4. Loose connections: Loose connections between the battery, motor, and controller can also cause an electric bike to keep cutting out. Check all the connections on your bike and make sure they’re tight and secure before riding again.
5. Incorrectly installed battery: If you’ve recently installed a new battery on your electric bike, it’s possible that it wasn’t installed correctly. This can cause all sorts of electrical issues, including the bike cutting out. Make sure the new battery is installed correctly before riding again.
Cutting out Due to PAS Pedal Assist System
If your electric bike is cutting out, it’s likely due to the PAS (pedal assist system). The PAS is what allows you to control the amount of power that’s being sent to the motor, and it’s usually controlled by a knob on the handlebars.
If you’re riding in a higher gear, the PAS will send more power to the motor, which can cause the motor to overheat and cut out. To fix this, simply ride in a lower gear or turn off the PAS altogether.
If you’re still having issues, check to make sure that the PAS sensor is properly aligned with the spoke magnet. You can do this by loosening the PAS sensor and rotating it until it’s in line with the magnet.
How to Prevent Electric Bikes from Cutting Out
If you’re having trouble with your electric bike cutting out, there are a few possible reasons and solutions.
- First, make sure that the battery is properly charged. If the battery is low, it may not have enough power to keep the bike running.
- Second, check the cables and connections to make sure they’re all secure.
- Third, clean the contact points on the battery and bike frame to remove any dirt or debris.
- Fourth, if you’re still having problems, try resetting the bike’s computer by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery.
- Finally, if none of these solutions work, you may need to replace the battery or motor.
Solutions to Cutting Out Issues
If your electric bike keeps cutting out, there are a few potential reasons and solutions.
- Check that the battery is properly charged and installed. If the battery is low, charging it may solve the problem.
- Make sure that the bike’s motor is not overheated. If the motor is overheated, allow it to cool down before riding again.
- Ensure that all connections between the battery and motor are secure and free of corrosion.
- If the bike has been in storage for a while, check the condition of the battery and motor. If either one is damaged, it will need to be replaced.
- If you have been riding the bike hard or in extreme conditions, this may cause wear and tear on parts which will eventually need to be replaced.
As you can see, there are a few potential reasons why your electric bike may keep cutting out. Thankfully, there are also a few potential solutions. If you’re still having trouble with your electric bike cutting out, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help figure out what’s going on.